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First off, you will learn that I go by my nickname, Betsy.  But I am a Jack of many trades.


I have a bachelor's of Arts degree from The Ohio State University in English Literature with a minor in Psychology. Not only did I learn to love good writing, I also learned about how to navigate a large educational system. 


I also have a Master's of Arts degree from Bowling Green State University in Rhetoric and the Teaching of Writing.  I worked as a college introductory and developmental writing teacher at several Northwest Ohio Colleges.  Teaching writing helped me understand that students, much like company employees and volunteers, are a very mixed bag when it comes to reliability, quality of work, and skill sets.


From December of 2010 to May 2020, I worked as a church secretary.  While there I handled daily office management and organization, producing newsletters and correspondences for the congregation, updated the office manual regularly as procedures changed, researched ways to help the church save money.  I also handled most of the bookkeeping and tax filings.  


Now I am very excited to be setting off on my own to focus on what I enjoy doing the most for organizations that serve the under-served and who struggle to find advocates and  resources in today's society.


I feel very blessed to be in a position where I can help organizations and small businesses in Northwest Ohio save time and money to focus on their Big Pictures.


About Elizabeth: About Me
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